Wordle: Kim

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thing #22

I had heard the word Ning but I wasn't quite sure what it was. I use Facebook a lot but now after checking out a couple of Nings I can see how valuable that can be because you are networking with people with similar professional interests.

I searched on Educator Ning and found an interesting post on using Nings with Middle School Students. I found this interesting because I teach 8th grade and was curious about using nings with my students.

I also checked out Teacher Librarian Ning and found out that I could spend a lot of time on this site. I found a book trailer that caught my eye. It is for one of my all time favorite books: The Best Christmans Pageant Ever. I had just recommended this book to one of my students so I would love to go back to class and share the video with him.


  1. I do like how it has book trailers to show the students. Maybe it would even motivate them to make their own!

  2. Thanks for linking this up... Like it..
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